Health and Safety

Health and Safety Policy – Statement of Intent 

The Company is committed to preventing accidents and ill-health at work.

We are committed to protect and promote the health, safety, and welfare of all our employees, visitors, contractors, and others who may be affected by our activities.

The Company recognises the importance of managing health, safety and welfare at work and our Policy ensures we comply with its statutory obligations, and as stated within section 2(2) of the Health & Safety at Work etc. Act 1974 to:

  • Provide and maintain all our premises and work sites in a condition that is safe, including the provision and maintenance of safe entry and exit from them;
  • Provide and maintain safe plant, safe equipment, and safe systems of work for our employees;
  • Ensure all our employees are provided with suitable training, supervision, information, and instruction to enable them to work safely;
  • Ensure that all substances and articles being used, handled, stored, transported, and disposed of are done safely;
  • Provide and maintain suitable working environments, facilities, and welfare arrangements for employees.

All levels of management are responsible for maintaining safety standards. This will be achieved by assessing risks, removing hazards, wherever possible and implementing safe systems of work.  Improvements in health and safety performance can only be achieved if there is full commitment, not only from management, but from all employees to implement and monitor this Policy.

Given this, every employee is required to cooperate with the Company in the spirit and operation of this Policy to:

  • Work safely, following the training and instructions given;
  • Comply with the safe systems of work and procedures that implement them;
  • Report all accidents immediately, and assist with accident investigations;
  • Use any personal protective equipment and clothing where it is identified and required;
  • Take care of yourself and others who you encounter and who may be affected by your activities

This Policy will be reviewed annually.

Name: Mark Dickinson

Position: Managing Director.

Date: 2nd January 2019


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  • Over 25 years experience
  • 24 hour production capabilities
  • Wide stockholding facility
  • Bespoke, tailormade packages available